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About Preamax 



為了提供最好的品質,蘇雲嶢曾走訪各個產地,與國內農民一同打拚,建立緊密的互助合作關係; 並親自挑選種植產地區塊,把關農產品品質,力行所秉持眼到、心到、手到之信念為台灣水果行銷各地。尤其為台灣水果在日本建立的口碑不留餘力。蘇雲嶢先生更於1996年時為業界選為擔任台灣蔬果輸出同業公會理事長,為台灣農產業服務。   


隨著台灣經濟轉型,彬瑪貿易於近幾年始於拓展蔬菜進口業務以幫助國內供需的平衡,也與鄰近國家互通有無。本著互助的精神,互相幫助調節供需、穩定市場。主要大宗業務為洋蔥、馬鈴薯、胡蘿蔔 、大白菜、高麗菜、山藥、牛蒡等等。亦於季節性氣候例如颱風時對國內蔬菜價格所造成的衝擊進行穩定的作用。


我們歡迎所有可能合作的機會,與客戶與供應商建立良好的關係,創造互信雙贏、增加台灣能見度。 也同心為台灣提升競爭力。

Established in 1982, Yun-Yao, Tony Su started his produce trading business founded in Taipei, Taiwan, named Preamax. Striving to deliver the best quality of seasonal fresh produce from farms in Southern Taiwan, Tony has built his close relationship with local passionate Taiwanese farmers and selected the best fields of the farms himself for export. He served as the president of Taiwan Vegetables and Fruit Exporters Association for nearly 10 years dedicated to promoting Taiwan fruit. Preamax proudly introduced the best quality of lychee, longan, banana, pineapple, mango, tangerine, grape, papaya, etc. to people from different corners of the world and our global friends have also enjoyed the taste of freshness and passion that our different varieties yet delicious Taiwan fruit have brought them.


In the past couple of decades, Taiwan has transformed from an agricultural base to a technology island along with her economic growth; the trend of fresh produce trading has also spared import businesses to fulfill the demand of Taiwan's domestic markets as well as her diverse needs. Preamax also continues to explore opportunities with partners from our global neighbors to provide the best quality to serve our consumers in Taiwan. We work to collect the best of fresh vegetables specializing in onions, potatoes, carrots, Chinese cabbage, round cabbage, paprika (color bell pepper), Japanese nagaimo, etc. to support our internal supply in Taiwan markets based on seasonal needs.


​We look forward to building partnerships with any prospective businesses and establishing mutually trusting, beneficial, and long term relationships with our partners.

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